The FOOD 2030 Online Platform is a common platform for all projects, partnerships, networks, living labs, communities of practice and other initiatives working on transforming the food system for the benefit of the people and the planet.

It is being developed as a part of the CLEVERFOOD project funded by Horizon Europe. CLEVERFOOD coordinates and supports cross-project collaboration and knowledge sharing by establishing these networks. We will bring all the existing initiatives together for maximum leverage in tranforming the food system.

FOOD 2030 Project Collaboration Network

The aim of the FOOD 2030 Project Collaboration Network is to break down the “silos” and join forces across projects, partnerships and networks working on shifting the food system to become more fair, healthy and sustainable. By joining this network, you will be able to: Expand your network and join forces with like-minded projects - Share successful practices and explore synergies - Receive targeted support and develop new competences - Collaborate on activities and organize joint events - Showcase your project results and maximize impact - Influence policymaking and inform future EU legislation.

FOOD 2030 Connected Lab Network

The aim of the FOOD 2030 Connected Lab Network is to leverage the impact of individual labs, communities of practice and other co-creation initiatives working on transforming the food system at the local, regional and national level. By joining the FOOD 2030 Connected Lab Network you will benefit from: Exchanging experiences with other living labs, communities of practice and co-creation initiatives - Sharing successful practices on transforming the food system at the local, regional and national level - Receiving targeted support on specific topics from a team of experts - Collaborating on activities and organizing joint events - Showcasing the results and maximizing the impact of your living lab, community of practice or other co-creation initiative - Influencing policymaking and informing future EU legislation.

Sustainable Food Systems Network

Everyone is talking about the need for stakeholder cooperation for impact and resilience. But how many truly practice? The Sustainable Food Systems Network (SFSN) is an open network developed and managed by CLEVERFOOD partner EUFIC that allows all food systems actors to collaborate and share knowledge and resources. The community is open to anyone with expertise or interest in moving towards a more sustainable food system.